The STIHL BrushCut brush knife with 3 blades can be used to thin out or remove tough vegetation, such as matted grass and scrub. It is made of high-quality steel. This means that you can even trim back thorny hedges with this metal cutting tool. The three-bladed BrushCut knife is available in various diameters from 250 mm to 350 mm and in a special version that has a very long service life as it is made from a particularly high-quality alloy. If necessary, you can easily turn the cutting tool. Our video shows you how to mount the STIHL brush knife with 3 blades.
In combination with these STIHL brushcutters or clearing saws, you can achieve optimum results with the STIHL BrushCut 3-bladed brush knife, even on difficult-to-reach terrain:
Diameter 250 mm (item no. 4112 713 4100):
This special tool can also be combined with the discontinued STIHL FS 80, FS 85 and FR 480 brushcutters and clearing saws.
Diameter 300 mm (item no. 4119 713 4100):
Diameter 350 mm (item no. 4110 713 4100) and diameter 350 mm “Special” (item no. 4000 713 4100):
The 350 mm versions are also suitable for the discontinued STIHL FS 510 C-EM and FS 560 C-EM clearing saws.
Note: For your own safety, you may only use this cutting tool with a STIHL universal guard for mowing heads and metal tools.
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